Careers Education at Little Ilford School is aspirational for all students. We aim to support young people to develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to take ownership of their aspirations and manage their career development. We seek to build a school culture where we broaden students' horizons so that they can fulfil their own unique needs.
At Little Ilford School we want our young people to:
Experience a school culture of high aspirations, equality of opportunity, in which diversity is celebrated and stereotypes are challenged.
Learn about the structures, systems and factors that guide, shape and influence people’s career prospects and career development.
Explore how these could affect their future choices and why they need to consider them when making their own career decisions.
Develop and practise the self-help skills they need to progress in their own career plans and development, including making discerning use of careers education, information, advice and guidance.
Learn about a wide range of careers and the world of work, developing their knowledge, skills and attitudes for success in their adult and working life.
Leave school on the most appropriate pathway for them which will include further education, training and/or employment.
Little Ilford School is committed to achieving The Gatsby Benchmarks through a well planned careers programme available to all students. As students progress towards their career of choice they will receive a good range of impartial careers guidance and advice helping them to make well informed decisions at key transition points.
Little Ilford School students are entitled to:
Access the library resources careers section
Access an impartial careers advisor
Access the careers office at break and lunch times to seek careers advice and collect resources
Opportunities to raise their aspirations and broaden their horizons
Opportunities to learn about the world of work through employer led assemblies, alumni talks, workshops, drop down days, trips and other guest speakers
Opportunities to learn more about careers and their links to the curriculum
Opportunities to learn new and develop existing skills linked to enterprise and employability
Opportunities to learn more about the local labour market
Opportunities to learn more about the wide range of choices beyond Little Ilford School
At Key Stage 3 students will:
Take part in structured PHSE and RSHE careers lessons which encourage students to identify skills and qualities, strengths and weaknesses and future career options
Attend assemblies led by guest speakers talking about careers and the wide range of post-16 options
Participate in lessons that develop employability skills such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, decision making and leadership
Take part in activities that develop enterprise and financial literacy skills such as Young Enterprise and The Money Wise Challenge
At Key Stage 4 students will:
Take part in Year 10 work experience
Take part in structured PHSE and RSHE careers lessons which encourage students to explore the wide range of post-16 options available to them
Develop their CV with support from employers during Year 10 World of Work day
Attend assemblies led by guest speakers including employers, colleges and universities, and technical qualification providers
Attend an impartial careers interview with an independent careers advisor (1:1 and group sessions)
Access Unifrog the complete destinations platform
Visit universities and colleges
Attend College Information Evening in Year 11 to meet post-16 providers
Receive support from both tutors and teachers about post-16 options and career choices
The school's published careers programme is reviewed annually in October.
How does Little Ilford evaluate the effectiveness of the careers programme?
Destinations data can be used to measure the long term impact of the careers programme at Little Ilford School. We are really proud that currently 95% of our students continue in education or employment after leaving Year 11. The official NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) data is updated annually in March
Each careers event is evaluated by students on its effectiveness to support students in making careers decisions
We regularly self evaluate the careers programme using the Compass+ tool. At present Little Ilford School is well above the national average across all eight Gatsby benchmarks and is 100% in seven of the eight benchmarks.
How can you support careers at Little Ilford School?
If you are a post-16 provider you are invited into school to discuss your education or training offer. This complies with the legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997 (Baker Clause)
If you are an employer or company you are invited into school to speak about your industry, your career pathway and the opportunities available. This can be delivered in an assembly or in small groups
For further information on careers please contact Miss A. Ford, Careers and Destinations Co-ordinator, on 0208 928 3509 or alternatively email:
Useful Links:
The Gatsby Benchmarks
National Careers Service
Post-16 Options
Success at School